Bernard Arthur Babcock
It is with Great Sadness we announce the passing of Bernard A. Babcock. Bernie was born on February 17, 1937. Bernie passed away peacefully on July 18th, 2024. Bernie is survived by his 3 children, Terri Babcock Morris, Patricia Babcock Sumner, and Archie Bernard Babcock. Bernie had 5 Grandchildren, Taylor Morris, Lauren Sumner, Jacob Sumner, Adam Sumner and Jessica Sumner.
During his life Bernie served as An Embassy Marine In Jordan for the United States Marine Corp. he loved his time as a Marine. He enjoyed golf with his friends, “Drinking Beer and telling Lies” with them as well. He was a man who enjoyed laughing and could easily make a friend.
Bernie is following his Wife Jaqueline Langdon Babcock whom he married in 1963. They were together for 46 years. They are together again. Bernie will be remembered for his infectious laugh and good nature. His love for animals and loyalty to friends. He will surely be missed.
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